How it feels
In love with the ordinary
Has been written in our text
Then everything gets clearer
Is something we must confess
Something’s we can not help it
Keeping each other aware
Of anything you want to know
Is really only fair
We won’t live in our regret
We are here and now willing
Always looking forward
Won’t give away the ending
Relationships they can challenge
But we continue to strive
Up again and down again
It’s good to be alive
Binding this sweet love in us
Has been the best for all
Kindness, sweet and honesty
Ensuring not to fall
Marriage is our commitment
To each other is real
Wanting not to hold it back
This is how it feels
Composed by Carl Schunke and given as a wedding gift to Levi
Borntrager and Esther Wagler 10-25-2006
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise
strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.